“I am a practical painter in spite of the complex appearance of my work”.

My work is characterised by its crisp lines, sharp angles, and bold use of colour. I strive for precision and balance in every piece, using the interplay of positive and negative space to create a sense of tension and dynamism.

Although my work may appear simple at first glance, there is often a deeper meaning or message embedded within each piece. I draw inspiration from a wide range of sources, including architecture, geometry, and nature, and seek to explore themes such as balance, harmony, and unity.

Ultimately, my goal is to create work that is both visually engaging and intellectually stimulating, inviting the viewer to contemplate the interplay of form and colour and to draw their own conclusions about the meaning and significance of each peace.

“It does not stall, nor does it rest”

151 cm x 101 cm

Acrylic on linen

“Life is changing beyond my control”

151 cm x 101 cm

Acrylic on linen

“I saw you today, for the first time”

91 cm x 41 cm

Acrylic on linen

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